Hello all and happy new year! Time for another “monthly” update.
October Highlights
-Had my bachelorette party. We kept it pretty low key and I’m grateful for the ladies that made it out (I may have picked the worst weekend possible–sorry friends).
And for the awesome sign for our home. #thecakeshouse
-Started seeing a counselor at the university. It’s amazing and changing my life.
November Highlights
-First major practicum. This means I got to be in a school with real live children teaching them things for 60+ hours. On top of regular classes, job and mentoring (and wedding planning). 🙂
-Took engagement pictures. A full two years after being engaged.
-Sent out wedding invites to 400+ people.
December Highlights
-Passed my third semester in the teaching program meaning I am halfway to the finish line(!!).
-Stressed out a lot about making the new NE STEM 4U schedule.
-Stressed out a lot about getting married.
-Saw a Lindsay Stirling concert because Dave is awesome!!
-Put up a baby tree in the kitchen two days before Christmas. Tried to focus on the family during holiday celebrations, but definitely had wedding brain.
-Got married to my best friend of 9 years 12.30.17. It was cold AF outside. #dewittknappedÂ

My fellow Education majors!!
-Lived happily ever after. (right?)
Now it’s onto writing thank you notes, unpacking wedding decor and gifts, and starting the next semester of school. Hope you all enjoyed the end of your year and cheers to a new one full of possibilities!
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