Happy Spring Break! I’m over here working on data analysis for my final project and of course I decided I needed to procrastinate a little…what better way to procrastinate than on my blog! 🙂
The past couple of months have been amazing and exhausting–I still can’t believe I’m actually student teaching AND graduating in less than two months!
Since we last talked, I’ve attained my very own desk and space in the third grade classroom, have been slowly moving my way down the schedule taking over teaching, and had three formal observations that all went very well.
Most things have been great….
-I’ve gotten to do some fun lessons with opinion writing and fractions.
-I’ve had the opportunity to start my own little library in the classroom and the kids are loving it. My mom also took me on a freaking book shopping spree and it was kind of the best day ever.
-I was able to do a mock interview with two principals. I even made myself a teaching portfolio (online version here) which helped me reflect on my teaching career thus far.
-I’ve also totally fallen in love with my third graders.
On the other hand…
-There have been a ton of snow days which throw the schedule (and the students) off. Seriously, who would have thought I’d have such mixed feelings about snow days??
-Some days stress levels run high and I go from feeling like the best teacher in the world to questioning everything in my life.
Luckily I have a good support system….
-My mentor teacher is amazing and always tells me these feelings are normal. She also lets me try new things, move desks around in the room, buys me coffee and is always there to joke around–I cannot tell you how valuable this is to me!
I am also incredibly grateful for family and friends cheering me on, fellow classmates who are always there for me, and the awesome school I’m at in the Papillion La Vista Community School district.
Okay, back to work! Or really time for yoga for the first time in a month. 🙂
So tell me…
Have you started anything new recently? How did you get through the newness?
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